Antimicrobial Regeneration Consortium:
Accelerating R&D
for Countering Evolving Pathogens

Our Mission

what is antimicrobial resistance?

Every time an organism reproduces, its DNA changes a little bit; this is called a mutation. Sometimes mutations are productive—they can make us run faster or process food more efficiently—and other times they can cause life-threatening genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis.

For organisms that reproduce very rapidly, these changes can be profound. Bacteria and viruses can replicate in under an hour, making mutations commonplace. Of the many mutations in a population, there’s almost always at least one that makes the population better at surviving it's current conditions.
If you have a bacterial infection and you treat it with antibiotics, it’s very possible that one of the mutations in that population could allow the bacterium to survive the antibiotic treatment. Because bacteria replicate so quickly, the population can become completely immune to the antibiotic treatment in just a few days, making the bacteria resistant.

The same is true for viral and fungal infections. If you catch a resistant infection, medicine doesn’t have a backup plan. Therefore we need to provide countermeasures, therapeutics, and diagnostics in real time to counter these evolving pathogens.

an ecosystem of medical tech development

Evolving organisms are moving targets, making them much harder to treat compared to lifelong diseases like diabetes. Bacteria evolve resistance exponentially, but the current therapeutic pipeline is largely linear. On average, it takes $1.5–3 billion and 10-15 years to develop and approve a new drug. This is nowhere near quickly enough to respond to pandemics and emerging pathogens.

Many pharmaceutical companies have moved away from drug discovery for infectious diseases because the tedious, time-consuming process has low return on investment due to evolution of drug-resistance.
The COVID-19 crisis highlighted all of these challenges. Our current drug development pipelines are not prepared to respond to pandemics. It is not possible to catch up to microbial evolution without novel and innovative approaches.

We developed a framework for sustainable innovation to cultivate an ecosystem of rapid and promising technologies for our global health.

we're not just another company

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We’re not focused on turning a personal profit; we’re here to disrupt an archaic drug discovery pipeline to make medicine more accessible for all.

We focus on the strengths of the existing pillars of drug research and discovery: academia and industry. There exists so much untapped expertise and potential at the academic level, especially in early stage drug discovery. The pharmaceutical industry, on the other hand, coordinates massive amounts of funding for clinical trials and scale-up of successful technologies.

Our approach is to bridge these two isolated spheres of research to bring medicine and treatments to patients who need them.
Our specialized team takes care of the networking, establishing a consortium of scientists at all points along a traditional drug discovery pipeline. When your resources and funding bring your development to a standstill, we identify another lab to pick up where you left off, ensuring revolutionary technologies don’t get left in the dust.

Successful platforms spin out of our incubation process to form start-ups. We takes a small fraction of the income for these start-ups to remain self-sufficient as a non-profit organization.

the 3E model


We create materials, webinars, and seminars to educate the young and old about the current and future health challenge.
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Connect with our ARC network to collaborate on projects, explore new fields, and expand your scope. Engage with the passionate people around you to solve this global crisis.
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The technologies born out of this framework empower the globe to better counter emergent infectious disease.
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