Christian Meyer, Ph.D
Research Assistant
My background is in physics where I studied nano-magnetism at Colorado State University. However, as I turned toward graduate school I was increasingly interested in applying my quantitative background to problems in human health. I was fortunate to join Vito Quaranta's Systems Biology group at Vanderbilt University where I received a National Science Foundation Graduate Student Fellowship and studied quantitative models of drug-drug interactions, colloquially known as drug synergy, in oncology. My drug synergy work was spun out into a company and formed the basis of collaborations around the world with both academic and industrial partners. Spurned by my concern over the rising tide of antibiotic resistance, I switched in my postdoc to studying bacterial electrophysiology, and understudied aspect of antibiotic resistance. Moving forward I am interested in combining my expertise in phenotypic screening, drug combination discovery, and machine learning to transform how we discover and deploy novel therapeutics against drug resistant pathogens. Additionally, I continue to be interested in understanding the biological relevance of dynamic bacterial electrophysiology.

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